Pauli 1885
Carl Eugen Pauli, Die Inschriften nordetruskischen Alphabets [= Altitalische Forschungen 1], Leipzig: Hannover Hahn 1885.
Author/Editor: | Carl Eugen Pauli |
Type: | text edition, palaeographical study, linguistic study |
Language: | German |
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Used for: | 54 pages (show list) |
The autor returns on the materials and problems pointed in Mommsen 1853: the increasing of the documents and general knowledge about Ancient Italy allow to consider the linguistic aspect, too.
For the scripture, a new partition is given: he speaks of the alphabets of Este, Bolzano, Sondrio and Lugano, denominations, which refer to the zones where the inscriptions were founded.
In accordance with the place of origin, he names the so-called alphabet of Lugano and that of Bolzano " North Etruscan alphabets", and those of Sondrio and Este "Adriatic alphabets".
The Compendium of the materials presents 99 documents, which are also studied from the linguistic point of view; particularly remarkable are the forms in pala, interpreted as "grave", for the inscription written in the Lugano alphabet, and the endings in -ui,-ai and -ei, interpreted as genitives, and at last the definition of the language as a language of the Celtic group, even if different from the Gaulish.