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Attestation: VB·3.2 (inou:ea) (1)
Status: probable
Language: prob. Celtic
Word Type: prob. proper noun
Semantic Field: prob. personal name

Grammatical Categories: nom. sg.
Stem Class: on

Morphemic Analysis: in (?)
Phonemic Analysis: /in(n)ū/ (?)
Meaning: 'Inu' (?)


The short sequence is most likely an on-stem personal name in the nominative or an abbreviation; the former may be indicated by lutou in the same object. A hypocoristic in(n)ū can be formed from any name with preverb in-. ⟨ou⟩ appears to denote long /ū/ or a local allophone with a more open pronunciation, or diphthongisation of -/ū/ to -/o/; an orthographic compromise between the vernacular ending and the Latinised ending may also be possible. Cf., beside lutou, uerkou (uel sim.), anatikou and prikou.

See also Rhŷs 1913: 62, no. 20 (a).

Corinna Salomon
