TI·19 Giubiasco

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Classification: helmet
Archaeological Type: Negau (Alpine type Sanzeno variant)

Material: bronze
Size: height 23.7 cm, diam. 25.3 x 24.3 cm
Condition: complete
Autopsy by: Corinna Salomon
Date of autopsy: Jul 20 2021

Archaeological culture: La Tène B 2, La Tène C, La Tène D
Date: 3rd–1st c. BC
Date derived from: typology

Site: Giubiasco (fraction of: Bellinzona, Ticino, Switzerland)
Field name: Giubiasco necropolis
Archaeological context: "grave" 262
Coordinates (approx.): 46° 10' 22.80" N, 9° 0' 39.60" E [from site]
Find date: in or before 1901
Find circumstances: unknown
Finder: unknown
Current location: Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum (Zürich)
Inventory no.: 15319

Inscription: TI·19 (iiu·o·tove)

Alternative sigla: Motta 2000: 28
Morandi 2004: 20

Sources: Morandi 2004: 529 f. no. 20



Images in Ulrich 1914 II: Taf. LXXX.2, 2a (photos), Egg 1986: 149, Abb. 17 (detail drawings), Taf. 285, 286a (photos), De Marinis & Biaggio Simona 2000 II: 454, no. 414 (photo).

The Negau helmet (Alpine type, Sanzeno variant) is one of the objects claimed by Domenico Pini to have been excavated by him in June/July 1901 at the Giubiasco necropolis, but may have been bought, or found at nearby Pianezzo (Tori et al. 2004: 27 f., 64 f., 69). The forged grave complex is described in Tori et al. 2004: 250. Detailed description of the helmet in Egg 1986: 148, no. 375. The Sanzeno Werkstattkreis being associated with the Fritzens-Sanzeno culture in Südtirol and the Trentino, Egg (p. 109 f.) considers the two helmets from Giubiasco (also no. 374) to be imports. See also Ulrich 1914 I: 617.

The dating follows Egg 1986: 102–111 for Negau helmets of the Alpine type with Flechtband decoration, specimens of the Sanzeno variant being attested from LT B2 onward (see also De Marinis & Biaggio Simona 2000 II: 453 f., no. 414). Motta 2000: 216, no. 28 gives the middle of the 4th–middle of the 2nd c. BC, Morandi 2004 the 4th–3rd c. BC.

Corinna Salomon


De Marinis & Biaggio Simona 2000 Raffaele C. De Marinis, Simonetta Biaggio Simona (eds), I leponti tra mito e realtà. Raccolta di saggi in occasione della mostra Locarno, Castello Visconteo - Casorella, 20 maggio - 3 dicembre 2000, Verbania: Armando Dadò Editore 2000.
Egg 1986 Markus Egg, Italische Helme. Studien zu den ältereisenzeitlichen Helmen Italiens und der Alpen. Teil 1: Text, Teil 2: Tafeln, Mainz: Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum 1986.