BG·3 Bergamo

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Classification: bowl

Material: pottery
Size: length 6.8 cm, width 4 cm, thickness 0.4 cm (of fragment)
Condition: fragmentary

Archaeological culture: unknown
Date: middle of 2nd to 1st century BC
Date derived from: typology

Site: Bergamo (Bergamo, Lombardia, Italy)
Field name: Vicolo Aquila Nera
Coordinates (approx.): 45° 42' 16.82" N, 9° 39' 49.31" E
Find date: 1989
Find circumstances: excavation
Current location: Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia (Bergamo)

Inscription: BG·3 (at)

Alternative sigla: Morandi 2004: 213

Sources: Morandi 2004: 658 f. no. 213


Images in Casini & Motta 2018: 121, fig. 3.5 (photo and drawings).

Fragment of the foot and wall of a bowl (reconstructed foot diam. 10 cm), fine micaceous clay, mottled surface (Casini & Motta 2018: 120 f., no. 5 [erroneously identified as Morandi's no. 214]). Found in the archaeological area of vicolo Aquila Nera, north of the Biblioteca Civica, south sector, u.s. 381. A fragmentary scratch also on the foot. Dating from Casini & Motta 2018: 120.


Casini & Motta 2018 Stefania Casini, Filippo Motta, "Iscrizioni vascolari celtiche a Bergamo", Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi 26 (2018), 115–128.