BG·18 Parre

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Classification: pot

Material: pottery
Size: height 5.8 cm, max. diam. 5.8 cm
Condition: broken, repaired

Archaeological culture: unknown
Date: 5th c. BC (?)
Date derived from: archaeological context

Site: Parre (Bergamo, Lombardia, Italy)
Field name: Parre Castello
Archaeological context: u.s. 717
Coordinates (approx.): 45° 52' 19.20" N, 9° 53' 16.80" E [from site]
Find date: 1992
Find circumstances: excavation
Finder: Soprintendenza Archeologica della Lombardia
Current location: Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia (Bergamo)

Inscription: BG·18 (piuot)

Alternative sigla: Morandi 2004: 210

Sources: Morandi 2004: 655 no. 210



Images in Poggiani Keller 1996: 17, fig. 7 (drawing = Poggiani Keller 1999: 179, fig. 13 = Morandi 2004: 656, fig. 25.210 = Poggiani Keller 2007: 161, fig. 154) and Morandi 2004: tav. XXVII.210 (photo = Morandi 2007: 297, fig. 295).

The small ointment pot was found in a child burial under the corner of a house in the settlement (find no. 326; details in Poggiani Keller 1996: 16 f. and Poggiani Keller 1999: 174–177). Poggiani Keller 2007: 162 dates the burial to the end of the Early Iron Age (5th century BC in Poggiani Keller 1996: 17 and Poggiani Keller 1999: 177), which fits with the dating of the other inscribed finds from Parre; the dating to the 2nd–1st century BC given by Morandi follows De Marinis 1999: 122, n. 35, who notes that the ceramic forms do not agree with the high dating.

Corinna Salomon


De Marinis 1999 Raffaele Carlo De Marinis, "La cultura Breno-Dos dell'Arca e il problema degli Euganei", in: Raffaella Poggiani Keller (ed.), Atti del II Convegno Archeologico Provinciale, Grosio 20 e 21 ottobre 1995, Sondrio: Tipografia Bettini 1999, 117–125.