BR·1 Marseille

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Classification: unknown
Archaeological Type: Campanian ware type A

Material: pottery
Size: unknown
Condition: fragmentary

Archaeological culture: unknown
Date: 2nd c. BC
Date derived from: typology, archaeological context

Site: Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône, France)
Field name: Baou de Saint-Marcel
Coordinates (approx.): 43° 17' 56.83" N, 5° 28' 1.37" E
Find date: 1968
Current location: Musée d’Histoire (Marseille)
Inventory no.: 91.9.68

Inscription: BR·1 (]ọiśa?[)

Alternative sigla: none

Sources: Guichard et al. 1988: 77.79.



Images in Guichard et al. 1988: 80, fig. 7.102 (drawing = Bats 1988: 142, fig. 13 = Bats 2011: 218, fig. 25 [partial]), Rayssiguier & Guichard 1990: 52, no. 46 (photo).

Foot and part of the wall of a ceramic vessel of Campanian ware type A. Dating based on the presence of Campanian ware in the area according to Guichard et al. 1988: 72 and the abandonment of the settlement Baou de Saint-Marcel, cf. Bats 2011: 217. The museum gives the first half of the 1st century BC.

Corinna Salomon


Bats 1988 Michel Bats, "La logique de l'écriture d'une société à l'autre en Gaule méridionale protohistorique", Revue Archéologique de Narbonnaise 21 (1988), 121–148.
Bats 2011 Michel Bats, "Emmêlements de langues et de systèmes graphiques en Gaule méridionale (VIe-Ier siècle av. J.-C.)", in: Coline Ruiz Darasse, Eugenio R. Luján (eds), Contacts linguistiques dans l'Occident méditerranéen antique [= Collection de la Casa de Velázquez 126], Madrid: 2011, 197–226.