VA·20 Arsago Seprio

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Classification: bowl
Archaeological Type: patera

Material: pottery
Size: length 12.5 cm, breadth 3 cm (of fragment), foot diam. 6.1 cm
Condition: fragmentary
Autopsy by: Corinna Salomon
Date of autopsy: Apr 30 2022

Archaeological culture: La Tène D
Date: late 2nd–1st c. BC
Date derived from: archaeological context

Site: Arsago Seprio (Varese, Lombardia, Italy)
Field name: Sant'Ambrogio
Archaeological context: grave 10/1986–7 (ustrinum)
(Objects: VA·19 Arsago Seprio, VA·20 Arsago Seprio)
Coordinates (approx.): 45° 41' 1.31" N, 8° 44' 2.68" E
Find date: 1986–1987
Find circumstances: excavation
Current location: Civico Museo Archeologico (Arsago Seprio)
Inventory no.: St 61527b

Inscription: VA·20 (ṣnaśịọụịṭoṣ §)

Alternative sigla: Morandi 2004: 120

Sources: Morandi 2004: 604 no. 120



Images in Veronesi 1990: tav. Vd (drawing), Morandi 2004: tav. XVIII.120 (photo).

Fragment of part of the foot and bottom of probably an unglazed patera, possibly a cup, found in the ustrinum of grave 10 (excavation 1986/1987) of the Sant'Ambrogio necropolis; see Binaghi Leva 1988: 38 and Binaghi Leva 1990: 38, 46 for details about the grave and finds (also Volontè Fredini 1990: 72). From the same context VA·19 Arsago Seprio. Dating from Binaghi Leva 1990; Morandi 2001: 12, no. 5 gives the 2nd c. BC, La Tène D2 in 2004.

Corinna Salomon


Binaghi Leva 1988 Maria Adelaide Binaghi Leva, "Arsago Seprio (Varese). Località S. Ambrogio, via Roma. Necropoli celtica", Notiziario della Soprintendenza Archeologica della Lombardia (1987 [1988]), 38–40.
Binaghi Leva 1990 Maria Adelaide Binaghi Leva, "Classificazione tipologica dei corredi", in: Giordano Veronesi (ed.), Arsago. Nullus in Insubria pagus vetustior. Studi in memoria di Silvio Pozzi, Varese: Edizioni Lativa 1990, 34–60.