Vs 1.87 Orvieto

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Classification: slab

Material: stone
Size: unknown
Condition: unknown

Archaeological culture: unknown
Date: 6th c. BC
Date derived from: unknown

Site: Orvieto (Terni, Umbria, Italy)
Field name: Crocifisso del Tufo necropolis
Coordinates (approx.): 42° 43' 15.82" N, 12° 6' 20.85" E
Find date: unknown
Current location: unknown

Inscription: Vs 1.87 (]vercenas)

Alternative sigla: none

Sources: De Simone 1978b: 370 f.


Image in G. Buonamici, Epigraphia Etrusca, Firenze 1932 (pl. 11).

Frons sepulchri from the Crocifisso del Tufo necropolis north-west of Orvieto. See CIE: 4991. Dated to the 6th century BC by De Simone 1978b, to the 6th/5th century in ET².


CIE Carl Pauli, Olof August Danielsson et al. (eds.), Corpus Inscriptionum Etruscarum. (3 volumes, various parts)
De Simone 1978b Carlo De Simone, "Un nuovo gentilizio etrusco di Orvieto (Katacina) e la cronologia della penetrazione celtica (gallica) in Italia", Parola del Passato 33 (1978), 370-395.
ET² Gerhard Meiser, Etruskische Texte. Editio minor, auf Grundlage der Erstausgabe von †Helmut Rix neu bearbeitet in Zusammenarbeit mit Valentina Belfiore und Sindy Kluge. Teil 1: Einleitung, Konkordanz, Indizes, Teil 2: Texte, 2nd, revised edition [= Studien zur historisch-vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft 4], Hamburg: Baar 2014.