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|culture_archaeological=La Tène B, La Tène C
|culture_archaeological=La Tène B, La Tène C
|date=3<sup>rd</sup> century BC
|date=3<sup>rd</sup> c. BC

Latest revision as of 09:56, 13 March 2025

Reading in transliteration: tisiui : piuotialui : pala
Reading in original script: A2 sL sA2 sP sseparator3 sI sU2 sL sA2 sI sT sO sU2 sI sP sseparator3 sI sU2 sI sS sI sT s

Object: TI·36 Davesco (stela)
(Inscriptions: TI·36.1, TI·36.2, TI·36.3)
Position: front, left-hand side
Orientation: 270°
Frame: waisted headtop and bottomtop and bottomfeet  (left: waisted head, middle: top and bottom, right: feet)
Direction of writing: sinistroverse
Script: North Italic script (Lepontic alphabet)
Letter height: 8–14 cm3.15 in <br />5.512 in <br />
Number of letters: 20
Number of words: 3
Number of lines: 1
Workmanship: carved
Condition: complete

Archaeological culture: La Tène B, La Tène C
Date of inscription: 3rd c. BC

Type: funerary
Language: Lepontic
Syntactic analysis: NPOind. NPOind. NPSUBJ
Meaning: 'pala for Tisios son of Piuotios'

Alternative sigla: Whatmough 1933 (PID): 269
Solinas 1995: 3 Ab
Motta 2000: 6 B2
Morandi 2004: 34 Ab

Sources: Morandi 2004: 539 f. no. 34



First published in Hormayr 1823 I.2: 143. Examined for LexLep on 27th September 2021.

Images in Hormayr 1823 I.2: Taf. fig. 3 (drawing = Mommsen 1853: Taf. I.6A = CII: tab. I, fig. 2a), Mommsen 1853: Taf. I.6B (demagnified tracing made by Biondelli = CII: tab. I, fig. 2b), Monti 1860: 59 (drawing = CII: tab. I, fig. 2c), CII: tab. LVIII, fig. 2 (drawing = Pauli 1885: Taf. I.11 = Giussani 1902: 32), Ghirardini 1869 II: 95 (drawing), Oberziner 1883: 169 (drawing), Motta & Ricci 1908: tav. II (photo), Rhŷs 1913: pl. I (photo), Crivelli 1943: 32, fig. 49 (photo), Risch 1970: 131, Abb. 2.1 (drawing) and Taf. 4.3 (photo), Risch 1984: 27, Abb. 3 (drawing = Risch 1989: 1585, fig. 1) and 33, Abb. 13 (photo = Risch 1992: 681, Abb. 3.1 = Morandi 2004: tav. VIII A), Tibiletti Bruno 1990b: 80 (drawing), De Marinis & Motta 1991: 208, fig. 4 (drawing), Solinas 1995: tav. LX a (photo), Tibiletti Bruno 1997: fig. 5 (photo), Motta 2000: 201, fig. 4 (photo), Morandi 2004: 543, fig. 34 (drawing).

Inscribed vertically from bottom to top on the left-hand side of the stela between two frame lines which form the body of a stylised human figure, tapering at the top and forming a round head, and ending in short oblique lines representing feet at the bottom. The traces of what Risch 1989: 1581 f. considers to be horns on both sides of the head can be made out, but is not clear whether they are intentional. The length of the inscription is 114 cm, the frame in its entirety measures 130 cm in length; it is longer than the one enclosing TI·36.1. The distance between the two frames is ca. 3–4 cm. The letters are as high as the frame is broad throughout; the inscription neatly fills the entire body between feet and shoulders, indicating that the frame was finished after the writing of the text. The letters are consistently executed; in alpha throughout, the top bar is longer than the bottom one, which reaches the bottom of the line, a form still reminiscent of alpha with the top bar also reaching the bottom of the line from which A s developed.

Despite the well-conceived layout, which suggests that TI·36.1 and TI·36.2 were applied at the same time, conceivably for a double grave of wife and husband (Rhŷs 1913: 4, Risch 1984: 26, Morandi 2004: 540, Tibiletti Bruno 1978: 135), the letter forms in TI·36.1 are more archaic than those in TI·36.2 (sigma, alpha); see TI·36.1 for further considerations. Based on the frame shape (type C), TI·36.1 and TI·36.2 are dated to the 4th–mid-2nd century BC by De Marinis & Motta 1991: 206, 218 (cf. Solinas 1995: 322, no. 3). Motta 2000: 201 dates both inscriptions to the late 4th–mid-2nd century BC, Piana Agostinetti 2004: 312 to LT B (4th century BC), Morandi 2004: 539 to the 4th–3rd century BC.

The text is fully transparent, recording the name of Tisios, son of Piuotios, in the dative, followed by the nominative pala, which probably refers to the grave or a part of it. See the word pages for details.

See also Franscini 1837: 83, Mommsen 1853: 203, no. 6, Monti 1860: 59, CII: iii, no. 2 (correct reading), Corssen 1874–1875 I: 944–946, Pauli 1885: 6 f., no. 11, 73 f., Giussani 1902: 32 f., Danielsson 1909: 16, Rhŷs 1913: 8–12, no. 1, Jacobsohn 1927: 31, no. 198, PID: 86 f., no. 269, Crivelli 1943: 32, 34, Pisani 1964: 281, no. 118 B, Risch 1970: 130, n. 5, Lejeune 1971: 81, Tibiletti Bruno 1975b: 52 f., Tibiletti Bruno 1978: 135, {bib|De Simone 1978}}: 266, Risch 1984: 26, Risch 1989: 1581 f., Risch 1992: 680, Solinas 1995: 322, no. 3, Tibiletti Bruno 1997: 1007 f., Motta 2000: 200–202, no. 6, Morandi 2004: 539 f., no. 34.

Corinna Salomon


CII Ariodante Fabretti, Corpus inscriptionum italicarum antiquioris aevi. Ordine geographico digestum et glossarium italicum, in quo omnia vocabula continentur ex umbricis, sabinis, oscis, volscis, etruscis aliisque monumentis quae supersunt, Augusta Taurinorum: 1867.
Corssen 1874–1875 Paul Wilhelm Corssen, Über die Sprache der Etrusker, Leipzig: Teubner 1874–1875. (2 volumes)
Crivelli 1943 Aldo Crivelli, Atlante preistorico e storico della Svizzera Italiana. Vol. 1: Dalle origini alla civiltà romana, Bellinzona: Istituto Editoriale Ticinese 1943.
Danielsson 1909 Olof August Danielsson, Zu den venetischen und lepontischen Inschriften [= Skrifter utgivna av Kungliga Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala 13.1], Uppsala – Leipzig: 1909.
De Marinis & Motta 1991 Raffaele C. De Marinis, Filippo Motta, "Una nuova iscrizione lepontica su pietra da Mezzovico (Lugano)", Sibrium 21 (1990–1991), 201–225.
Franscini 1837 Stefano Franscini, La Svizzera Italiana. Volume primo, Lugano: G. Ruggia e Comp. 1837.