UD·1 Verzegnis

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Classification: knife

Material: iron
Size: unknown
Condition: unknown

Archaeological culture: unknown
Date: 2nd–1st c. BC (?)
Date derived from: palaeography

Site: Verzegnis (Udine, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy)
Field name: Colle Mazéit
Coordinates (approx.): 46° 23' 39.07" N, 12° 58' 58.21" E
Find date: 1991
Find circumstances: unauthorised diggings
Current location: unknown

Inscription: UD·1 (pi·rị·χio)

Alternative sigla: Morandi 2004: 299

Sources: Morandi 2004: 717



Image in Vannacci Lunazzi 2001: 165, fig. 5.2 (drawing = Crevatin 2001: 117 = Vannacci Lunazzi 2013: 66, fig. 4,2).

The knife, together with an inscribed Venetic bronze tablet (Crevatin 1995: 71 f., Crevatin 2001: 116 f.), was found by metal detector by an unauthorised detectorist, probably on the plane north of the Mediaeval tower. In roughly the same area, numerous Noric Kleinsilbermünzen were found. A drawing was made before the object disappeared into the ancient art trade (Vannacci Lunazzi 2001: 152 f. with n. 17, Crevatin 1995: 71 with n. 3). The knife is described as of the late Celtic type, with a flat handle which is perforated at the end by Vannacci Lunazzi 2013: 69. The dating to the period of Romanisation, as suggested by Crevatin 2001: 117, is mainly based on the letter forms of the inscription, and maybe on the Celtic coins, which date from the middle of the 1st c. BC to the first half of the 1st c. AD.

Corinna Salomon


Crevatin 1995 Franco Crevatin, "Nuovi testi venetici provenienti dal Friuli", Incontri Linguistici 18 (1995), 71–77.
Crevatin 2001 Franco Crevatin, "Le inscrizioni Venetiche del Friuli", in: Gino Bandelli, Federica Fontana (eds), Iulium Carnicum. Centro alpino tra Italia e Norico dalla protostoria all'età imperiale. Atti del Convegno, Arta Terme – Cividale, 29–30 settembre 1995 [= Studi e Ricerche sulla Gallia Cisalpina 13], Roma: Quasar 2001, 115-125.