
From Lexicon Leponticum
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Description: Provides a general explanation or definition of the purpose, function, or meaning of the main page topic.
Type: String

Examples are the description of a picture on its file page, or a short summary explaining the contents of a help page, or the very sentence above describing the purpose of this property.

Showing 500 pages using this property.
Inscription TI·17  +
Helmet TI·19 Giubiasco with inscription  +
Inscription TI·19  +
Cup TI·2 Giubiasco  +
Inscription TI·2  +
Cup TI·20 Giubiasco  +
Cup TI·20 Giubiasco with inscription TI·20  +
Fiasca a trottola TI·21 Locarno  +
Fiasca a trottola TI·21 Locarno with inscription TI·21  +
Fiasca a trottola TI·21 Locarno  +
Inscription TI·21  +
Fiasca a trottola TI·22 Locarno  +
Fiasca a trottola TI·22 Locarno with inscription TI·22  +
Fiasca a trottola TI·22 Locarno  +
Inscription TI·22  +
Olla TI·23 Locarno  +
Olla TI·23 Locarno with inscription TI·23  +
Olla TI·23 Locarno  +
Inscription TI·23 Locarno  +
Fiasca a trottola TI·24 Locarno with inscription TI·24  +
Fiasca a trottola TI·24 Locarno  +
Inscription TI·24  +
Olla TI·25 Locarno with inscription TI·25  +
Olla TI·25 Locarno with inscription TI·25  +
Olla TI·25 Locarno  +
Inscription TI·25  +
Stela TI·26 Vira Gambarogno with inscription TI·26  +
Fragment TI·29 Aranno with inscription TI·29  +
Cup TI·3 Giubiasco with inscription TI·3  +
Cup TI·3 Giubiasco with inscription TI·3  +
Fragment TI·30 Aranno with inscription TI·30  +
Fragment TI·31 Aranno with inscription TI·31  +
Fragment TI·32 Aranno with inscription TI·32  +
Fragment TI·33 Bedigliora with inscription TI·33  +
Fragment TI·35 Ponte Capriasca with inscription TI·35  +
Front of the Davesco stela with inscriptions TI·36.1 and TI·36.2  +
Back of the Davesco stela with inscription TI·36.3  +
Stela TI·36 Davesco in comparison to Stefan Schumacher  +
Drawing of TI·36.3 by Stefan Schumacher after the inspection by David Stifter  +
Notes about TI·36.3 by David Stifter  +
Close-up of the illegible initial part of inscription TI·36.3  +
Close-up of the best legible part of inscription TI·36.3  +
Close-up of the beginning of the second word of inscription TI·36.3  +
Close-up of the last legible part of inscription TI·36.3  +
Close-up of the remaining section of the frame of inscription TI·36.3  +
Inscription TI·36.3  +
Stela TI·38 Pregassona with inscription TI·38  +
Plate TI·4 Giubiasco with inscription TI·4  +
Inside of plate TI·4 Giubiasco with stamp  +
First part of inscription TI·4  +
Second part of inscription TI·4  +
Stela from Stabio with inscription TI·41  +
Close-up of the last letters of inscription TI·42  +
Stela from Stabio with inscription TI·42  +
TI·42 Stabio in comparison to Stefan Schumacher  +
Stela TI·43 Bioggio with inscription TI·43  +
Stela TI·44 Bioggio with inscription TI·44  +
Stela TI·45 Bioggio with inscriptions TI·45.1 and TI·45.2  +
Plate TI·46 Giubiasco  +
Plate TI·46 Giubiasco with inscription TI·46  +
Inscription TI·46  +
Pyxis TI·48 Giubiasco  +
Pyxis TI·48 Giubiasco with inscriptions TI·48.1 and TI·48.2  +
Bowl TI·49 Giubiasco  +
Bowl TI·49 Giubiasco  +
Bowl TI·49 Giubiasco with inscription TI·49  +
Inscription TI·49  +
Plate TI·5 Giubiasco  +
Plate TI·5 Giubiasco with inscription TI·5  +
Inscription TI·5  +
Mortarium TI·50 Giubiasco  +
Mortarium TI·50 Giubiasco  +
Mortarium TI·50 Giubiasco with inscription TI·50  +
Inscription TI·50  +
Bowl TI·51 Giubiasco  +
Bowl TI·51 Giubiasco  +
Bowl TI·51 Giubiasco with inscription TI·51  +
Inscription TI·51  +
Bowl TI·52 Giubiasco  +
Bowl TI·52 Giubiasco  +
Bowl TI·52 Giubiasco with inscription TI·52  +
Inscription TI·52  +
Pot TI·53 Giubiasco  +
Pot TI·53 Giubiasco  +
Inscription TI·53  +
Stela TI·54 Sonvico with inscription TI·54  +
Bowl TI·6 Giubiasco with inscription TI·6  +
Inscription TI·6  +
Pot TI·7 Giubiasco  +
Inscription TI·7  +
Cup TI·8 Giubiasco  +
Cup TI·8 Giubiasco  +
Cup TI·8 Giubiasco with inscription TI·8  +
Inscription TI·8  +
Mortarium TI·9 Giubiasco with inscription TI·9  +
Mortarium TI·9 Giubiasco  +
Inscription TI·9  +
Inscription TI·9  +
Inscription TV·1 from Morandi  +
A list of page categories in Lexicon Leponticum.  +
Td.png  +
This category contains pages of the members of the project Lexicon Leponticum.  +
This category contains Templates for smaller parts of texts.  +
Detail of inscription VB·1 from Tibiletti Bruno 1966  +
Inscription VB·1 from Tibiletti Bruno 1966  +
Detail of bottle VB·2 Ornavasso with inscription VB·2 from Tibiletti Bruno 1966  +
Inscription VB·2 from Tibiletti Bruno 1966  +
Inscription VA·1.1 from Tibiletti Bruno 1966  +
Inscription VA·1.2 from Tibiletti Bruno 1966  +
Detail of TI·21 Locarno with inscription TI·21 from Tibiletti Bruno  +
Drawing of inscription TI·21 from Tibiletti Bruno  +
Photo of `CO·48 Prestino´ with inscription `CO·48´ ''uvamokozis : plialeθu : uvltiauiopos : ariuonepos : siteś : tetu''  +
Detail of `CO·48 Prestino´ with inscription `CO·48´ ''uvamokozis : plialeθu : uv(...)''  +
Detail of `CO·48 Prestino´ with inscription `CO·48´ ''(...)zis : plialeθu : uvltiauiopos : ariu(...)''  +
Detail of `CO·48 Prestino´ with inscription `CO·48´ ''(...)os : ariuonepos : siteś : tetu''  +
Inscription `CO·48´ ''uvamokozis : plialeθu : uvltiauiopos : ariuonepos : siteś : tetu''  +
Drawing of the putative inscription GR·2 by Simonett  +
Inscription VB·22 from Tibiletti Bruno 1979  +
Inscription VB·23 from Tibiletti Bruno 1979  +
Comparison of some variations of the North Italic alphabet by Maria Grazia Tibiletti Bruno  +
Inscriptions on MI·10 Milano from Tibiletti Bruno (mirrored)  +
Inscription `CO·71´ '')ẹna / )ones : ṃ( / )ẹị(''  +
Drawing of the sherd `CO·6 Rondineto´ with the inscription `CO·6´ ''plioiso''  +
Drawing of the sherd `CO·6 Rondineto´ with the inscription `CO·6´ ''plioiso''  +
Photo of `CO·6 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·6´ ''p̣lioiso''  +
Drawing of `CO·15 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·15´ ''(p̣li)ois(o)''  +
Drawing of `CO·15 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·15´ ''(p̣li)ois(o)''  +
Drawing of `CO·15 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·15´ ''(p̣li)ois(o)''  +
Photo of `CO·15 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·15´ ''(p̣li)ois(o)''  +
Drawing of `CO·16 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·16´ ''(p̣lio)iso''  +
Photo of `CO·16 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·16´ ''(p̣lio)iso''  +
Drawing of `CO·8 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·8´ '')ner('' (?)  +
Drawing of `CO·8 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·8´ '')ner('' (?)  +
Photo of `CO·9 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·9´ '')pa('' (?)  +
Drawing of `CO·40 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·40´  +
Drawing of `CO·13 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·13´ '')rkimu(''  +
Photo of `CO·13 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·13´ '')rkimu(''  +
Photo of `CO·10 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·10´ ''lu(''  +
Photo of `CO·41 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·41´ '')ei('' (?)  +
Photo of `CO·42 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·42´ '')r''  +
Photo of `CO·12 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·12´ ''nap( / ot(''  +
Detail photo of the inscription `CO·12´ ''nap( / ot(''  +
Photo of `CO·43 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·43´ '')a'' (?)  +
Photo of `CO·11 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·11´ '')tiris??...(''  +
Drawing of `CO·7 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·7´ ''sla('' (?)  +
Photo of the inner surface of `CO·24 Rondineto´  +
Photo of `CO·26 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·26´ ''stu(''  +
Photo of `CO·44 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·44´ '')ś''  +
Photo of `CO·34 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·34´ '')m(''  +
Drawing of `CO·38 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·38´ '')m('' (?)  +
Photo of `CO·27 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·27´ ''te(''  +
Photo of `CO·5 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·5´ ''tri(''  +
Photo of `CO·20 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·20´ '')rpia''  +
Photo of `CO·2 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·2´ '')akur(''  +
Drawing of `CO·4 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·4´ '')akle(''  +
Photo of the outer surface of `CO·23 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·23.3´ ''ta('' (?)  +
Photo of the inner surface of `CO·23 Rondineto´ with inscriptions `CO·23.1´ and `CO·23.2´  +
Drawing of inscription `CO·14´ ''mei / va''  +
Drawing of inscription `CO·14´ ''mei / va''  +
Photo of `CO·39 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·39´ ''lu(''  +
Photo of `CO·82 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·82´  +
Photo of `CO·18 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·18´ ''uo(''  +
Drawing of `CO·45 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·45´ ''e(''  +
Photo of `CO·19 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·19´  +
Photo of `CO·3 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·3´ '')ouki(''  +
Photo of `CO·21 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·21´ '')ṇ : ṣulọiḳei : (''  +
Photo of `CO·30 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·30´ ''al''  +
Photo of `CO·28 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·28´ ''la''  +
Photo of `CO·46 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·46´ '')ui(''  +
Inscription `CO·36´ '')u(''  +
Photo of the outer surface of `CO·35 Rondineto´ with inscription `CO·35´ ''X''  +
Photo of the inner surface of `CO·35 Rondineto´  +
Photo of `CO·49 Prestino´ with inscription `CO·49´ '')ias(''  +
Photo of `CO·50 Prestino´ with inscription `CO·50´ ''ev?(''  +
Photo of `CO·51 Prestino´ with inscription `CO·51´ '')miu(''  +
Photo of `CO·52 Prestino´ with inscription `CO·52´ '')eu : o(''  +
Photo of potsherd `CO·61 Prestino´ with inscription `CO·61´ ''as(''  +
Detail of `CO·48 Prestino´ with part of inscription `CO·48´ ''(...)pos : ariuo(...)''  +
Detail of `CO·48 Prestino´ with part of inscription `CO·48´ ''(...)onepos : site(...)''  +
Photo of the outside of `CO·47 Breccia´ with inscription `CO·47´ ''pa''  +
Photo of the inside of `CO·47 Breccia´  +
Comparison chart of the variants of ''a'' in the north italic "Lepontic" alphabet after `Tibiletti Bruno 1989´  +
Comparison chart of the 4<sup>th</sup> variant of ''a'' in the north italic "Lepontic" alphabet and other typologies after `Tibiletti Bruno 1989´  +
U.png  +
U10.png  +
U10d.png  +
U11.png  +
U11d.png  +
U12.png  +
U12d.png  +
U2.png  +
U2d.png  +
U3.png  +
U3d.png  +
U4.png  +
U4d.png  +
U5.png  +
U5d.png  +
U6.png  +
U6d.png  +
U7.png  +
U7d.png  +
U8.png  +
U8d.png  +
U9.png  +
U9d.png  +
Knife UD·1 Verzegnis with inscription UD·1.  +
UE.png  +
UEd.png  +
Ud.png  +
V.png  +
V2.png  +
V2d.png  +
V3.png  +
V3d.png  +
V4.png  +
V4d.png  +
V5.png  +
V5d.png  +
Bottle VA·1 Ardena  +
Bottle VA·1 Ardena with inscription VA·1.2  +
Bottle VA·1 Ardena with inscription VA·1.1  +
Inscription VA·1.1  +
Inscription VA·1.2  +
Bowl VA·12 Arsago Seprio  +
Bowl VA·12 Arsago Seprio with inscription VA·12  +
Inscription VA·12  +
Patera VA·13 Arsago Seprio  +
Patera VA·13 Arsago Seprio with inscription VA·13  +
Inscription VA·13  +
Patera VA·14 Arsago Seprio  +
Patera VA·14 Arsago Seprio with inscription VA·14  +
Inscription VA·14  +
Patera VA·15 Arsago Seprio  +
Patera VA·15 Arsago Seprio with inscription VA·15  +
Inscription VA·15  +
Patera VA·16 Arsago Seprio  +
Patera VA·16 Arsago Seprio with inscription VA·16  +
Inscription VA·16  +
Patera VA·17 Arsago Seprio with inscription VA·17  +
Patera VA·17 Arsago Seprio  +
Inscription VA·17  +
Patera VA·18 Arsago Seprio  +
Patera VA·18 Arsago Seprio with inscription VA·18  +
Inscription VA·18  +
Patera VA·19 Arsago Seprio  +
Patera VA·19 Arsago Seprio with inscription VA·19  +
Inscription VA·19  +
Fragment VA·20 Arsago Seprio  +
Fragment VA·20 Arsago Seprio with inscription VA·20  +
Inscription VA·20  +
Patera VA·21 Arsago Seprio  +
Patera VA·21 Arsago Seprio with inscription VA·21  +
Inscription VA·21  +
Bowl VA·22 Arsago Seprio  +
Inscription VA·22  +
Fragment VA·23 Arsago Seprio  +
Fragment VA·23 Arsago Seprio with inscription VA·23  +
Patera VA·24 Arsago Seprio  +
Patera VA·24 Arsago Seprio with inscription VA·24  +
Inscription VA·24  +
Olpe VA·25 Arsago Seprio with part of inscription VA·25  +
First part of inscription VA·25  +
Second part of inscription VA·25  +
Patera VA·26 Arsago Seprio  +
Patera VA·26 Arsago Seprio with inscription VA·26  +
Inscription VA·26  +
Patera VA·27 Arsago Seprio  +
Patera VA·27 Arsago Seprio with inscription VA·27  +
Inscription VA·27  +
Patera VA·29 Gallarate with inscription VA·29  +
Patera VA·29 Gallarate  +
Inscription VA·29  +
Fragmentary bowl VA·3 Sesto Calende with inscription VA·3  +
Initial part of inscription VA·3  +
Olpe VA·30 Gerenzano with inscription VA·30  +
Inscription VA·30  +
Bowl VA·31 Sesto Calende  +
Bowl VA·31 Sesto Calende with inscription VA·31  +
Inscription VA·31  +
Pitcher VA·32 Golasecca  +
Pitcher VA·32 Golasecca  +
Mark on the foot of the pitcher VA·32 Golasecca  +
Inscription VA·32  +
Bowl VA·4 Sesto Calende with inscription VA·4.2  +
Bowl VA·4 Sesto Calende with part of inscription VA·4.1  +
Bowl VA·4 Sesto Calende  +
Inscription VA·4.1  +
Inscription VA·4.2  +
Initial section of inscription VA·4.1  +
Middle section of inscription VA·4.1  +
Damaged section of inscription VA·4.1  +
Final section of inscription VA·4.1  +
Inscription VA·4.2  +
Beaker VA·5 Golasecca with inscription VA·5  +
Inscription VA·5  +
Copy of stela VA·6 Vergiate with inscription VA·6 at Gallarate  +
The Vergiate stela with inscription VA·6 in 2022  +
Inscription VR·19 from Morandi  +
Inscription VR·19 from Pauli  +
similar to Lamboglia 29, Morel 2642  +
Stone plaque VS·1 Argnou with inscription VS·1  +
Stone plaque VS·1 Argnou  +
Inscription VS·1  +
Ceramic fragment VS·3 Gamsen with inscription VS·3  +
Ceramic fragment VS·3 Gamsen  +
Vd.png  +
Gold stater with legend NM·9 (Collombey) from Wiblé  +
Silver drachma with ''rikoi'' legend from Gamsen (Valais/Wallis)  +
This category contains pages for words.  +
X.png  +
X2.png  +
X2d.png  +
X3.png  +
X3d.png  +
Xd.png  +
Z.png  +
Z10.png  +
Z10d.png  +
Z11.png  +
Z11d.png  +
Z12.png  +
Z12d.png  +
Z2.png  +
Z2d.png  +
Z5.png  +
Z5d.png  +
Z6.png  +
Z6d.png  +
Z8.png  +
Z8d.png  +
Z9.png  +
Z9d.png  +
Zd.png  +
addA1.png  +
addA1d.png  +
addA2.png  +
addA3.png  +
addA3d.png  +
addAE1.png  +
addAE1d.png  +
addD1.png  +
addD1d.png  +
addF1.png  +
addL1.png  +
addL1d.png  +
addT1.png  +
addT2.png  +
addT2d.png  +
addZ1.png  +
addZ2.png  +
addZ2d.png  +
addΘ1.png  +
addΦ1.png  +
Defines the positionally conditioned phonetic variants of a phoneme in ''the International Phonetic Alphabet'' (IPA).  +
Defines the regional variant of the North Italic script in inscriptions.  +
Specifies the estimated accuracy of the value of the Property:alphabet of the same page  +
Specifies the relative length of sounds.  +
Specifies the articulatory class to which the sound belongs.  +
Specifies the degree of openness of the vowel.  +
Specifies the position of the consonant inside the mouth.  +
Specifies the position of the vowel inside the mouth.  +
Specifies whether the voice chords vibrate or not during the articulation of the sound.  +
Specifies the person who created the picture or drawing.  +
Specifies the person or persons who inspected the object for LexLep.  +
Specifies the building, if known by a proper name of its own, that houses the museum.  +
Specifies the value of a grammatical feature describing the function of a noun, adjective, or pronoun in a sentence.  +
Refers to the normalised form, or archigrapheme, of a character of the North Italic or any other alphabet.  +
Specifies the particular variant of a character in the North Italic script, including its direction of writing.  +
Specifies the level of urgence for members of the LexLep-project to check or complete the entries on the page. The values of this property is only visible to registered members of LexLep.  +
Sets up a hypothetical, i.e. constructed, unattested form, usually in the nominative singular for nouns, if the pagename differs from it.  +
Describes the chromatic appearance of the object, usually of its surface.  +
Specifies that political unit, lowest in administrative hierarchy, from which the object hails, usually referred to as community or municipiality.  +
Specifies the different basic substances that make up the material mix of the object, and their relative proportions.  +
Describes the current state of repair of the object.  +
Specifies the geographic coordinates (easting and northing) of a place or item.  +
Defines the eastern coordinate of a place or an item in the degree format.  +
Defines the northern coordinate of a place or an item in the degree format.  +
Specifies the name of the copyright holder of the file or image.  +
Assigns an inscription to a group of inscriptions  +
Specifies the sovereign state or political country in which the item or place, i.e. the content of the page, is situated.  +
Specifies the archaeological culture to which the object is ascribed.  +
Specifies a point in time which is of relevance to the item; either because it was then made, discovered, photographed, or in some other way manipulated.  +
Specifies the point in time when the object was last examined for LexLep.  +
Specifies the type of data from which the date (e.g. of an object) has been inferred.  +
Specifies the point in time when the object was discovered.  +
Provides a general explanation or definition of the purpose, function, or meaning of the main page topic.  +
Defines the physical extent of an object in one direction.  +
Specifies the direction of writing of the inscription.  +
Specifies ambiguous pages that shall link (as an option) to the page containig this property.  +
Refers to the person who technically manipulated the file or image.  +
Specifies the second part - the off-glide - of the diphthong.  +
Specifies the locally used name for the place where the object was found.  +
Specifies the broad semantic class of the word.  +
Specifies the general context, the situation and the environment in which the object was discovered.  +
Specifies the archaeological environment in which the object was found, e.g. a grave, pit or building.  +
Specifies the name of the person who discovered the object or who led the excavators to where it was found.  +
Specifies the format of the image, i.e. the relative ratio of height to width.  +
Specifies the design of the left-hand side of a frame around an inscription.  +
Specifies the layout of rules in the middle part of a frame around an inscription.  +
Specifies the design of the right-hand side of a frame around an inscription.  +
Specifies the full title of the page as it appears in the browser's URL box.  +
Specifies the grammatical role of the morpheme.  +
Specifies the behaviour of the word in respect to the grammatical category "gender".  +
Specifies the inhabitants of the place in prehistory and antiquity.  +
Contains the entries, typically words, that will be listed in an index.  +
Specifies the internal reference number of the object in the museum where it is kept.  +
Specifies the matrix language to which the item belongs.  +
Specifies the language to which a word or morpheme has been adapted.  +
Specifies the estimated accuracy of the value of the Property:language of the same page  +
Defines the vertical measure of the inscription's largest letter.  +
Defines the vertical measure of the inscription's smallest letter.  +
Defines the quantity of letters, including fragmentary ones, that can be discerned on the inscription.  +
Defines the quantity of clearly countable letters used in the inscription.  +
This project internal property defines how a used ressource is stored  +
Defines the number of lines of an inscription.  +
Describes the certainty of the language value assigned to an inscription, word, or morpheme  +
Refers to the location, typically a museum, where the archaeological object is currently kept.  +
Describes the broad class of substances of which the object consists.  +
Provides a description of the meaning or a translation of the item.  +
Refers to the treatment of the inscription in Alessandro Morandi's 2004 collection ''Celti d’Italia. Tomo II''.  +
Defines the normalised form of a morpheme, that is, the morpheme's page name.  +
Specifies the actually attested form of the morpheme if it differs from normalised form, e.g. when the text is damaged or when scribal mistakes have occured.  +
Describes in general terms the contents of an image.  +
Refers to the treatment of the inscription in Filippo Motta's 2000 article ''La documentazione epigrafica e linguistica,''.  +
Specifies the customary name of an item.  +
Specifies names and designations by which the place is known in other languages or in other contexts.  +
Specifies the name of the place in antiquity.  +
Displays the English name of the museum.  +
Specifies the behaviour of the word in respect to the grammatical category "number".  +
Specifies the object on which the inscription is found.  +
Direction (in degrees) of the baseline of an inscription in relation to its object.  +
Describes the decoration on the object.  +
Describes the method with which the decoration was made on the object,  +
Is an auxilliary property to provide the name of a file's page without an additional query.  +
Name of an inflectional paradigm, e.g. its  +
Specifies the grammatical category person.  +
Defines the normalised form of a phoneme, that is, the phoneme's page name.  +
Defines the normalised form of the phoneme, if it differs from the spelling in the page name.  +
Describes the location of the inscription on the object.  +
Defines the official mailing code of the place.  +
This project internal property specifies difficult, uncertain, and questionable entries on a page  +
Specifies the canton (Switzerland), provincia (Italy), département (France), Bundesland (Germany, Austria) to which a site or museum belongs.  +
punctuation.png  +
punctuationd.png  +
Names the macro-region to which a province belongs; as administrative units, used above all in the context of Italy or France.  +
Refers to the treatment of the inscription in ''RIG''.  +
Defines the writing system of the inscription.  +
Specifies the script to which an inscription's script has been adapted.  +
Specifies the estimated accuracy of the value of the Property:script of the same page  +
separator.png  +
separator2.png  +
separator2d.png  +
separator3.png  +
separator3d.png  +
separator4.png  +
separator4d.png  +
separator6.png  +
separator6d.png  +
separatord.png  +
Describes the three-dimensional appearance of the object.  +
Refers to the pages on which the picture or drawing will be displayed in a gallery.  +
Refers to the location where an archaeological object was found or where a picture was taken.  +
Defines the physical extent along the ''z''-axis of the object,  +
Defines the physical extent along the ''x''- and ''y''-axes of the rotationally symmetric object.  +
Defines the diameter of the base of an object (normally the foot of a ceramic vessel).  +
Defines the physical extent along the ''y''-axis of the object.  +
Defines the physical extent along the ''x''-axis of the object.  +
Refers to the treatment of the inscription in Patrizia Solinas' 1994 collection ''Il celtico in Italia''.  +
Defines the date as a single number by which the item can be sorted automatically.  +
Defines the find date by which the item can be sorted automatically.  +
Defines a coded sequence which serves as the basis for the output in queries.  +
Morandi's sigla as alphanumerically sortable string.  +
Motta's sigla as alphanumerically sortable string.  +
Defines a coded sequence which serves as the basis for the reversely sorted output in queries.  +
RIG's sigla as alphanumerically sortable string.  +
Solinas' sigla as alphanumerically sortable string.  +
Tibiletti Bruno's sigla as alphanumerically sortable string.  +
Whatmough's sigla (PID) as alphanumerically sortable string.  +
Specifies the publication or internet resource from which the image has been taken.  +
Contains a detailed reference including the very page, image, or table  +
Stamped inscription or sign, usually of a manufacturer  +
Describes the degree of plausibility that the word exists.  +
Specifies the morphological inflectional class to which a noun belongs.  +
Refers to the street as part of the address.  +
Describes the method by which the exterior of the object has been treated.  +
Specifies the aspecto-temporal category tense.  +
This property contains any text as mere string, i.e. without any links  +
Refers to the treatment of the inscription in Maria Grazia Tibiletti Bruno's 1981 article ''Le iscrizioni celtiche d’Italia''.  +
This property contains the title of a book or other reference  +
Refers to the town as part of the address.  +
Specifies the class or category to which the item belongs.  +
Specifies the publication license or copyright condition of a file.  +
Specifies in what manner the illustration was executed.  +
Describes the textual genre to which the inscription belongs.  +
Defines the functional class of the morpheme.  +
Describes the general character of the museum.  +
Describes the broad class of objects to which the item belongs.  +
Defines whether the phoneme is a vowel or a consonant.  +
Classifies the character of the referenced work by contents.  +