Archaeological Overview: Difference between revisions

From Lexicon Leponticum
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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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[[VA·4 Sesto Calende]] (G II A, early 6<sup>th</sup> c.) [Etruscan?]<br>
[[VA·4 Sesto Calende]] (G II A, early 6<sup>th</sup> c.) [Etruscan?]<br>
[[NO·1 Castelletto sopra Ticino]] (late G II A, second quarter of 6<sup>th</sup> c.)<br>
[[NO·1 Castelletto sopra Ticino]] (late G II A, second quarter of 6<sup>th</sup> c.)<br>
[[NO·26 Castelletto sopra Ticino]] (G II, 6<sup>th</sup> c.)<br>
[[VA·5 Golasecca]] (G II B, second half of 6<sup>th</sup> c.) [non-script?]<br>
[[VA·5 Golasecca]] (G II B, second half of 6<sup>th</sup> c.) [non-script?]<br>
[[NO·3 Castelletto sopra Ticino]] ('''6<sup>th</sup>–5<sup>th</sup> c.''')<br>
[[NO·3 Castelletto sopra Ticino]] (late 6<sup>th</sup>–early 5<sup>th</sup> c.) [non script?]<br>
[[VA·6 Vergiate]] (G II, late 6<sup>th</sup>–early 5<sup>th</sup> c.)<br>
[[VA·6 Vergiate]] (G II, late 6<sup>th</sup>–early 5<sup>th</sup> c.)<br>
[[VA·32 Golasecca]] (G II B, late 6<sup>th</sup>–early 5<sup>th</sup> c.) [non-script?]<br>
[[VA·32 Golasecca]] (G II B, late 6<sup>th</sup>–early 5<sup>th</sup> c.) [non-script?]<br>
Line 157: Line 158:
45.714375,8.658664~Presualdo~VA·3, VA·4~Marker_C_Maroon.png;
45.714375,8.658664~Presualdo~VA·3, VA·4~Marker_C_Maroon.png;
45.711536,8.632486~Castelletto sopra Ticino Via Aronzo~NO·1, NO·3~Marker_C_Maroon.png;
45.711536,8.632486~Castelletto sopra Ticino Cascina Baraggia~NO·1~Marker_C_Maroon.png;
45.709206,8.648300~Castelletto sopra Ticino Cascina Riviera~NO·26~Marker_C_Maroon.png;
45.71048,8.662564~Golasecca Monsorino~VA·5~Marker_C_Maroon.png;
45.721499,8.639266~Castelletto sopra Ticino Cimitero~NO·3~Marker_C_Maroon.png;
45.726928,8.70648~San Gallo di Ronchi~VA·6~Marker_C_Maroon.png;
45.726928,8.70648~San Gallo di Ronchi~VA·6~Marker_C_Maroon.png;
45.71048,8.662564~Golasecca Monsorino~VA·5~Marker_C_Maroon.png;
45.706869,8.664544~Golasecca Galliasco~VA·32~Marker_C_Maroon.png;
45.706869,8.664544~Golasecca Galliasco~VA·32~Marker_C_Maroon.png;

Latest revision as of 20:16, 12 December 2024

Archaeological phases Dating (Pre-)Historical context
Golasecca II A beginning 6th cent. BC - 525 Golasecca Culture
Golasecca II B 525 - 480/75 "
Golasecca III A 1 480/75 - 450/440 "
Latène A = Golasecca III A 2-3 450 - 375 Gaulish Invasion into the Po valley (ca. 400 BC)
Latène B 375 - first half of 3rd cent. BC "
Latène C 1 second half of 3rd cent. BC "
Latène C 2 2nd cent. BC Roman conquest of the gaulish tribes in Italy (since 225/191)
Latène D end of 2nd cent. BC - 1st cent. BC "

slightly simplified table from Uhlich 2007: 381, cp. Uhlich 1999: 292 f.

Archaeological evidence

Broader archaeological context: synopsis of archaeological phases in different regions

The Golasecca Culture

This list is not a comprehensive collection of relevant literature. It is a first result of the research work in progress.

Lepontic, Lepontii and Golasecca Culture

Chronology of Cisalpine Celtic epigraphy

Archaic inscriptions from south of Lago Maggiore (Golasecca I C–II, 7th–early 5th century)

VA·31 Sesto Calende (Golasecca I C, third quarter of 7th c.) [uncertain]
VA·3 Sesto Calende (G I C, second half of 7th c.) [Etruscan?]
NO·29 Castelletto sopra Ticino (G I C–II A, 7th–mid-6th c.)
VA·4 Sesto Calende (G II A, early 6th c.) [Etruscan?]
NO·1 Castelletto sopra Ticino (late G II A, second quarter of 6th c.)
NO·26 Castelletto sopra Ticino (G II, 6th c.)
VA·5 Golasecca (G II B, second half of 6th c.) [non-script?]
NO·3 Castelletto sopra Ticino (late 6th–early 5th c.) [non script?]
VA·6 Vergiate (G II, late 6th–early 5th c.)
VA·32 Golasecca (G II B, late 6th–early 5th c.) [non-script?]

Early outliers (Golasecca II B–III A 1, second half of 6th–5th century)

JU·1 Montmorot (Hallstatt D, second half of 6th c) [Etruscan?]
TI·1 Gudo (G II B, late 6th c.) [non-script?]
NO·22 San Bernardino di Briona (G II–III A 1, late 6th–early 5th c.) [non-Celtic?]

Como (Golasecca II B–III A, late 6th into 4th century)

CO·47 Breccia (G II, 6th c)
CO·48 Prestino (late 6th–early 5th c.)
CO·56 Prestino (early 5th c.)

Early inscriptions from the east (Bergamo and Brescia area) (Golasecca III A, 5th–4th century)

BS·5 Brescia (first half of 5th c.)
BG·15 Parre (5th c. (?))
BG·18 Parre (5th c. (?))
BG·20 Capriate San Gervasio (G III A, 5th c.)
BG·43 Bergamo (5th c. (?))
BG·45 Bergamo (5th–early 4th c.)
BG·44 Bergamo (late 5th–early 4th c.)
BG·16 Parre (5th–4th c.)
BG·5 Bergamo (4th c.)
BG·17 Parre (4th c.)
BG·19 Parre (4th c.)
BG·14 Bergamo (5th–3rd c.)
BG·1 Bergamo (5th–3rd c. (?))
BG·42 Bergamo (4th–3rd c.)
BS·6 Brescia (4th–3rd c.)
BG·6 Bergamo (mid-4th–3rd c.)
BG·23 Fornovo San Giovanni (3rd c.)
BG·28 Ghisalba (LT C 2, early 2nd c.)

Lugano stelae (Golasecca III A–?, 5th century – ?)

TI·27 Mezzovico-Vira (G III A, 5th–early 4th c.)
TI·36 Davesco (G III A, 5th–early 4th c.)
TI·43 Bioggio (G III A, 5th–early 4th c.)
TI·26 Vira Gambarogno (LT B–C, 4th–mid-2nd c. (?))
TI·29 Aranno (LT B–C, 4th–mid-2nd c. (?))
TI·30 Aranno (LT B–C, 4th–mid-2nd c. (?))
TI·31 Aranno (LT B–C, 4th–mid-2nd c. (?))
TI·32 Aranno (LT B–C, 4th–mid-2nd c. (?))
TI·33 Bedigliora (LT B–C, 4th–mid-2nd c. (?))
TI·34 Capriasca (LT B–C, 4th–mid-2nd c. (?))
TI·35 Ponte Capriasca (LT B–C, 4th–mid-2nd c. (?))
TI·37 Viganello (LT B–C, 4th–mid-2nd c. (?))
TI·38 Pregassona (LT B–C, 4th–mid-2nd c. (?))
TI·39 Sorengo (LT B–C, 4th–mid-2nd c. (?))
TI·42 Stabio (LT B–C, 4th–mid-2nd c. (?))
TI·44 Bioggio (LT B–C, 4th–mid-2nd c. (?))
TI·45 Bioggio (LT B–C, 4th–mid-2nd c. (?))
TI·54 Sonvico (LT B–C, 4th–mid-2nd c. (?))

Milano (La Tène B 1, second half of 4th century)

MI·19 Milano (LT B 1, second half of 4th c.)
MI·20 Milano (LT B 1, second half of 4th c.)
MI·26 Milano (LT B, second half of 4th–mid-3rd c.)
MI·22 Milano (LT B 2, first half of 3rd c.)
MI·21 Milano (LT B 2, first half of 3rd c.)

Ticino necropoleis

TI·18 Giubiasco (LT B 1, late 4th c.)
TI·14 Giubiasco (LT C, mid-3rd–mid-2nd c.)
TI·47 Giubiasco (LT C 2, first half of 2nd c.)
VA·1 Ardena (LT C 2, first half of 2nd c.)

Chronological map of inscription groups (wip)

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