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From Lexicon Leponticum
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Wordtype word
)aki??iosproper noun
)aluiproper noun
)aniuiproper noun
)arsuproper noun
)iknosproper noun
)ioniosproper noun
)iponiaproper noun
)isoniproper noun
)kicrisiproper noun
)kioneiproper noun
)kiφisiproper noun
)neiproper noun
)niproper noun
)nialuiproper noun
)oniproper noun
)otukiosproper noun
)peuesaproper noun
)rkomuiproper noun
)uikalaiproper noun
?auiproper noun
aaiproper noun
acisiusproper noun
aesproper noun
aesiaproper noun
akeśiproper noun
akisiosproper noun
akiuiproper noun
akluśamoualosproper noun
alaukiproper noun
alaukosproper noun
aliosproper noun
alkouesiproper noun
alkouinosproper noun
amaśiluproper noun
anarekartosproper noun
anareuiśeosproper noun
anatikouproper noun
anisaproper noun
anokopokiosproper noun
anteśiluproper noun
apiosproper noun
areuiziesproper noun
argantocomaterecusproper noun
arimaiproper noun
ariuoneposproper noun
ariśaiproper noun
arkatokomaterekosproper noun
arkiproper noun
artebuθzproper noun
artonisproper noun