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Type: derivational
Function: patronymic
Language: Celtic
Phonemic analysis: -/i/-, -/e/-
Attestation: )aki??ios, )aniui, )ionios, )iponia, )kionei, )otukios, aesia, akiui, alios, anareuiśeos, anokopokios, arki, atbiti, aterio, atios, aśkoneti, aśkonetio, ciami, eluveitie, eripoχios, esonius, esopnio, kalatiknos, kepi, koilios, koiśa, komeuios, komoneos, kopiu, laniakios, letiu, lukios, matikios, matopokios, miliarios, naxom, naśom, nimonikna, otiui, piriχio, piuotialui, plioiso, plios, polios, pompeteχuaios, pruiam, pusionis, ritilio(, rolios, sekezos... further results


Derivational suffix expressing appurtenance, used as patronymic suffix in southern Gaulish, especially Gallo-Greek inscriptions (in this function also in Italic). In about a third of cases, the suffix appears written with epsilon, indicating a lowering of unstressed /i/; the glide is not written in these cases, e.g. RIIG VAU-13-01 (RIG G-153) σεγομαρος | ουιλλονεος, GAR-10-05 (G-207) εσκιγγο|ρειξκο|νδιλλε|ος, BDR-12-07 (G-69) βι⁽λ̣λ̣⁾ι̣⁽μο⁾ς | λιτουμ|αρεος (see Lejeune 1971: 52 with n. 128, Evans 1972: 181, Lambert 1994: 83; full lists of potential attestations of both variants in Lejeune 1985: 453 f.).


Balles 1999 Irene Balles, "Zu den britannischen *i̯o-Stämmen und ihren idg. Quellen", in: Stefan Zimmer, Rolf Ködderitzsch, Arndt Wigger (eds), Akten des zweiten deutschen Keltologensymposiums (Bonn, 2.–4. April 1997) [= Buchreihe der Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 17], Tübingen: Niemeyer 1999, 4–22.
Balles 2000 Irene Balles, "Reduktionserscheinungen in langen Wortformen als Ursprung morphologischer Doppelformen im Urindogermanischen: die Suffixformen *i̯o und *ii̯o", Die Sprache 39/2 (1997 [2000]), 141–167.
Evans 1972 D. Ellis Evans, "A comparison of the formation of some Continental and early Insular Celtic personal names", Études Celtiques 13/1 (1972), 171–193.