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From Lexicon Leponticum
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- (
- )
- )?an
- )?ele(
- )?rkimu(
- )?uka(
- )ae?(
- )ais(
- )aki??ios
- )akle(
- )akur(
- )alui
- )aniui
- )apauatos
- )arsu
- )auśi
- )ei(
- )ena
- )eu
- )ias(
- )iknos
- )ionios
- )iponia
- )isoni
- )iuka(
- )iunθanaχa
- )kicrisi
- )kionei
- )kiφisi
- )m(
- )mit(
- )miu(
- )n
- )n?k??tesaso
- )nei
- )ner(
- )nerio?o(
- )ni
- )nialui
- )ones
- )oni
- )onis
- )osik(
- )otukios
- )ouki?(
- )pa(
- )pat(
- )pet(
- )peuesa
- )piośa
- )ploi(
- )pv(
- )r
- )risti
- )rkiu
- )rkomui
- )rpia
- )tek
- )tias
- )tioiso
- )tiris???v?(
- )ueriopoi
- )uikalai
- )ume
- )ś
- -(i)i̯-
- -a-
- -al-
- -al- 2
- -am-
- -at-
- -e
- -e-
- -ebos
- -ed-
- -ei̯
- -ek-
- -ents
- -et-
- -i-
- -ik-
- -ikn-
- -il(l)-
- -is
- -is (Lat.)
- -isam-
- -iss-
- -nt-
- -o-
- -obos
- -oi̯
- -oi̯so
- -om
- -om-
- -om (n.)
- -on
- -on-
- -on (
- -onei̯
- -oni
- -oni (Lat.)
- -onis
- -onos
- -os
- -os (
- -s
- -s (3pl.)
- -t
- -u-
- -uk-
- -ul(l)-
- -us
- -us (Lat.)
- -ā
- -ā-
- -ā (Lat.)
- -āi̯
- -āk-
- -ām
- -ās
- -ē̆n-
- -ī
- -ī (Lat.)
- -ī̆n-
- -ō
- -śo-
- -ū
- -ū (3sg.)
- -ūi̯
- /
- 10
- 10000
- 10 (character)
- 14
- 15
- 1 (character)
- 24
- 4
- 494
- 50
- 500 (character)
- 50 (character)
- 58
- 5 (character)
- 6
- 7
- 8
- ??ma
- ?aui
- ?i?mi
- A
- A/Variants per time
- AE
- AO·1
- AO·1.1
- AO·1.2
- AO·1 Aosta
- AO·2
- AO·2 Aosta
- AO·3
- AO·3 Aosta
- AO·4
- AO·4 Châtillon
- AS 3.1
- AS 3.1 Castelnuovo Berardenga
- AS 3.2
- AS 3.2 Castelnuovo Berardenga
- Aberson et al. 2020
- Aberson et al. 2021
- Abusch et al. 1991
- AcS
- Actes Nice 1965
- Adams 2003
- Agostiniani 1982
- Agostiniani 1996
- Aigner Foresti 1985
- Aigner Foresti 1992
- Ajello et al. 2010
- Albertini 1973
- Alpago Novello Ferrerio 1985
- Alvah Catt et al. 2019
- Alzate Brianza
- Amann et al. 2019
- Ambrosi 1972
- Ambrosini et al. 1997
- Ameglia
- Amicone et al. 2020
- Ammon & Haarmann 2008
- Ampolo 1989
- Ancona 1880
- Andenmatten & Paccolat 2012
- Anreiter & Jerem 1999
- Anreiter & Roider 2007
- Anreiter et al. 1998
- Anreiter et al. 2000
- Anreiter et al. 2012
- Antiquarium Comunale (Ghisalba)
- Aosta
- Appolonia et al. 2008
- Aquileia nella ‟Venetia et Histria” 1986
- Aranno
- Archaeological Overview
- Archäologisches Museum (Kelheim)
- Ardena
- Ardovino 2007
- Arezzo
- Argnou
- Arntz 1936
- Arsago Seprio
- Arslan & Carazzetti 2000
- Arslan 1972
- Arslan 1985
- Arslan 1986
- Arslan 1990
- Arslan 1992
- Arslan 1993
- Arslan 1994
- Arslan 1995
- Arslan 1996
- Arslan 1999
- Arslan 2000
- Arslan 2000b
- Arslan 2001
- Arslan 2001b
- Arslan 2003
- Arslan 2007
- Arslan 2017
- Askedal & Nielsen 2015
- Aspes 2002
- Ateneo di Scienze Lettere ed Arti Brescia 1973
- Atti Iscrizioni Rupestri 1992
- Aufrecht & Kirchoff 1849-51
- Aulla
- Ayent
- B
- B/Variants per time
- BE·1
- BE·1 Münsingen
- BG·1
- BG·10
- BG·10 Bergamo
- BG·11
- BG·11 Bergamo
- BG·12
- BG·12 Bergamo
- BG·13
- BG·13 Bergamo
- BG·14
- BG·14 Bergamo
- BG·15
- BG·15 Parre
- BG·16
- BG·16 Parre
- BG·17
- BG·17 Parre
- BG·18
- BG·18 Parre
- BG·19
- BG·19 Parre
- BG·1 Bergamo
- BG·2
- BG·2.1
- BG·2.2
- BG·20
- BG·20 Capriate San Gervasio
- BG·21
- BG·21 Verdello
- BG·22
- BG·22 Verdello
- BG·23
- BG·23 Fornovo San Giovanni
- BG·24
- BG·24 Fornovo San Giovanni
- BG·25
- BG·25 Fornovo San Giovanni
- BG·26
- BG·26.1
- BG·26.2
- BG·26 Fornovo San Giovanni
- BG·27
- BG·27 Lovere
- BG·28
- BG·28.1
- BG·28.2
- BG·28 Ghisalba
- BG·29
- BG·29 Verdello
- BG·2 Bergamo
- BG·3
- BG·30
- BG·30 Verdello
- BG·31
- BG·31 Verdello
- BG·32
- BG·32 Verdello
- BG·33
- BG·33 Verdello
- BG·34
- BG·34 Verdello
- BG·35
- BG·35 Verdello
- BG·36
- BG·36.1
- BG·36.2
- BG·36 Verdello
- BG·37
- BG·37 Verdello
- BG·38
- BG·38 Verdello
- BG·39
- BG·39 Verdello
- BG·3 Bergamo
- BG·4
- BG·40
- BG·40 Caravaggio
- BG·41.1
- BG·41.10
- BG·41.11
- BG·41.12
- BG·41.13
- BG·41.14
- BG·41.15
- BG·41.16
- BG·41.17
- BG·41.18
- BG·41.19
- BG·41.2
- BG·41.20
- BG·41.21
- BG·41.22
- BG·41.23
- BG·41.24
- BG·41.25
- BG·41.26
- BG·41.27
- BG·41.28
- BG·41.29
- BG·41.3
- BG·41.30
- BG·41.4
- BG·41.5
- BG·41.6
- BG·41.7
- BG·41.8
- BG·41.9