User:Michela Vignoli/Abfragen/Inscriptions

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Early Inscriptions before 390 BC

All early inscriptions within 60km distance from Lugano:

 nametype inscriptiontext plaindateculture archaeological
BG·20unknown]kicrisi5th c. BCGolasecca III A
BG·43unknownsur5th century BCunknown
BG·44unknownui[late 5th to early 4th century BCunknown
BG·45unknownsi ?[5th to early 4th century BCunknown
CO·10unknownlu[5th century BCGolasecca III A
CO·11unknown]tioiso ??[5th–4th c. BCGolasecca III A 1
Golasecca III A 2
CO·12unknownnap̣[/ot[5th–early 4th c. BCGolasecca III A
CO·13unknown]?rḳịmụ[advanced 5th c. BCGolasecca III A 2
CO·14unknownmei/va5th–early 4th c. BCGolasecca III A
CO·15unknown]ọịṣ[5th c. BCGolasecca III A 1
Golasecca III A 2
CO·16prob. mark of manufacturer]ịṣo5th c. BCGolasecca III A 1
Golasecca III A 2
CO·18unknownụọ[5th–early 4th c. BCGolasecca III A
CO·19unknown]u:[5th–early 4th c. BCGolasecca III A
CO·2unknown]akụṛ[5th–early 4th c. BCGolasecca III A
CO·20unknown]ṛp̣ịạ[5th–early 4th c. BCGolasecca III A
CO·21unknown]ṇ:ṣulọiḳei:[5th–early 4th c. BCGolasecca III A
CO·23.1unknown]??pa?(?)5th–early 4th c. BCGolasecca III A
CO·23.2unknownṣa5th–early 4th c. BCGolasecca III A
CO·23.3unknownt?[5th–early 4th c. BCGolasecca III A
CO·25unknown]tias5th–early 4th c. BCGolasecca III A
... further results

Early Lepontic


Early Lepontic 600 - 400 BC Golasecca Culture phases II - III ("pre-gaulish period") NO·1, CO·48, VA·6, TI·27.1, BS·5 (dating!!), BG·18 (dating!!), CO·73, CO·6, CO·72, TI·33, TI·36.3, TI·34.1, TI·26, CO·64.1, CO·64.2 (dating!!), CO·47, NO·2, VA·5, BG·1 (site??), CO·15, CO·16, CO·53, CO·55, CO·29, CO·25, CO·69, CO·74, CO·11, CO·49, CO·50 (check dating!!), CO·61 (dating!!), CO·56.1, CO·54, CO·21, CO·2, CO·3 (check dating!!), CO·4 (check dating!!), CO·5 (check dating!!), CO·7 (check dating!!), CO·8 (check dating!!), CO·32 (check dating!!), CO·12, CO·13, CO·14, CO·17 (check dating!!), CO·20, CO·10, CO·24, CO·26 (check dating!!), CO·23.1 (dating!!), CO·23.2 (dating!!), CO·30


 nametype inscriptiontext plaindateculture archaeological
VA·6funerarypelkui:pruiam:teu:karite:iṣ́os:kaṛite:palaṃend of 6th / beginning of 5th c. BCGolasecca II

Inscriptions between 390 and 200 BC

All inscriptions between 390 ad 200 BC within 60km distance from Lugano:

 nametype inscriptiontext plaindateculture archaeological
BG·14unknownunknown5th–3th c. BCunknown
BG·23unknownaśuesa3rd c. BCunknown
BG·42unknown]tut[4th–3rd century BCunknown
BG·5.1unknown4th c. BCunknown
BG·5.2unknownsiui4th c. BCunknown
BG·6unknown]ạrt[mid-4th– late 3rd c. BCunknown
CO·74unknownprnearly 4th c. BCGolasecca III A 3
TI·14unknownplai/psecond half of 3rd–first half of 2nd c. BCLa Tène C
TI·18.1unknowniakirlate 4th c. BCLa Tène B 1
TI·18.2unknownkoplate 4th c. BCLa Tène B 1
TI·26funeraryteromui:kualui4th–mid-2nd c. BCLa Tène B
La Tène C
TI·29prob. funerary]ạniui:p?[/]ḳionei:p[/]????[4th–mid-2nd c. BCLa Tène B
La Tène C
TI·30prob. funerarymationa[4th–mid-2nd c. BCLa Tène B
La Tène C
TI·31prob. funerary]aḷạ[4th–mid-2nd c. BCLa Tène B
La Tène C
TI·32prob. funerary]ịṣọṇị:p̣la[4th–mid-2nd c. BCLa Tène B
La Tène C
TI·33funerary]nialui:pala4th–mid-2nd c. BCLa Tène B
La Tène C
TI·34.1funeraryaui:pala:4th–mid-2nd c. BC (?)La Tène B
La Tène C
TI·34.2funeraryotiui:pala4th–mid-2nd c. BC (?)La Tène B
La Tène C
TI·34.3funerary]rkomui:pal[4th–mid-2nd c. BC (?)La Tène B
La Tène C
TI·35unknown]osik[/]?uka[4th–mid-2nd c. BCLa Tène B
La Tène C
... further results

Middle Lepontic


Middle Lepontic ca. 400 - 200 BC (very few isolated attestations) Latène context with continuing Golasecca influence, Latène B - C 1 ("gaulish period") TI·36.1, TI·36.2, TI·23 (dating!!), TI·25 (dating!!), TI·18.1?, TI·18.2?, TI·14 (dating?), NM·2 (dating?), NM·6.1 (dating?!?) Middle to late Lepontic: TI·29 (dating!!), TI·32 (dating!!), TI·42 (dating!!), TI·34.3, TI·37?


 nametype inscriptiontext plaindateculture archaeological
BS·5prob. mark of possessor
prob. mark of manufacturer
takosfirst half of 4th century BCunknown
TI·36.1funeraryslaniai:uerkalai:pala4th–mid-2nd c. BCLa Tène B
La Tène C
TI·36.2funerarytisiui:piuotialui:pala3rd c. BCLa Tène B
La Tène C

Inscriptions after 200 BC

Late Lepontic


Late Lepontic ca. 200 - 1 BC Latène context phases C 1 - D ("roman period") VB·1, VB·2, VB·3.1, GR·1, TI·41, VB·26, VB·28, BS·1, usw.


 nametype inscriptiontext plaindateculture archaeological
VR·14unknownkeleśuLa Tène D 1
VR·15unknownkośioLa Tène D 1

Lepontic/Cisalpine Gaulish inscriptions with unknown dating

Marker 030.png Lepontic (0); Marker 060.png Cisalpine Gaulish (0)

Lepontic inscriptions with unknown dating (check!)

no result

Cisalpine Gaulish

 nametype inscriptiontext plaindateculture archaeological
NO·21.1unknowntanotaliknoi/kuitos/lekatos/anokopokios/setupokios/esanekoti/anareuiśeos/tanotalos/karnitusend of 2nd / 1st century BCunknown
NO·21.2unknowntakoṣ:toutas:p̣ụ[/]ṇ?ḳ??tesaso:poikaṇịend of 2nd / 1st century BCunknown
PG·1.2funerary]eknati:truti?ṇi/]nitu:lokan:koisịs/]utiknosmid-2nd-late 1st century BCunknown
PG·1.4funeraryateknati:trut / ikni:karnitu/artuaś:koisis:t / ṛụṭịknos:mid-2nd-late 1st century BCunknown
VC·1.2dedicatoryakisios:arkatokok/materekos:toṣ́o/kote:aṭom:teuoχ/tom:koneushortly before the middle of 1st century BCLate Republican
VR·24prob. mark of possessoreskikorikos150–50 BCLa Tène D
VR·26prob. mark of possessortoutoris150–50 BCLa Tène D
VR·28prob. mark of possessorprituli150–50 BCLa Tène D
VR·29prob. mark of possessoreskiko150–50 BCLa Tène D
VR·31prob. mark of possessorkasilus150–50 BCLa Tène D


 nametype inscriptiontext plaindateculture archaeological
AO·1.1unknownaplate 2nd–early 1st c. BCLa Tène D 1
AO·3unknownụerkọu1st c. BCLa Tène D 2
BG·12unknownuolsecond half of 2nd–1st c. BCLa Tène D
BG·15unknownkatua5th c. BC (?)unknown
BG·18prob. mark of possessorpiuot5th c. BC (?)unknown
BG·21unknownriśoị1st c. BCLa Tène D 2
BG·22unknownc̣iami1st c. BCLa Tène D 2
BG·23unknownaśuesa3rd c. BCunknown
BG·24prob. mark of manufacturerartlate 2nd–early 1st c. BCunknown
BG·25prob. mark of manufacturerartlate 2nd–early 1st c. BCunknown
BG·28.1prob. mark of manufacturerpit[early 2nd c. BCLa Tène C 2
BG·29unknowntausecond half of 1st c. BCRoman republican period
BG·3prob. mark of manufactureratmid-2nd–1st c. BCunknown
BG·30prob. mark of manufacturerpitsecond half of 1st c. BCLa Tène D 2
BG·31unknowntalusecond half of 1st c. BCLa Tène D 2
BG·32unknownpisecond half of 1st c. BCLa Tène D 2
BG·33unknownpesecond half of 1st c. BCLa Tène D 2
BG·34unknownụitilisecond half of 1st century BCLa Tène D
La Tène D 2
... further results


 nametype inscriptiontext plaindateculture archaeological
BG·35unknowncilo20–1 BCAugustan
BG·36.1unknownacetabla VIII20–1 BCAugustan
BS·3.1funerarytetumus/sexti/dugiaua/saśadislate 1st c. BC–early 1st c. ADAugustan
MI·15prob. mark of possessorseuuonissecond half of 1st c. BC–early 1st c. ADLa Tène D 2
NO·17.2unknownuinoc.fauifirst quarter of 1st c. ADAugustan
PG·1.1funerary]ụṛṇụṃ/]oisis:druti:f/frater:eius/minimus:locauie/]atuitquimid-2nd-late 1st century BCunknown
PG·1.3funerary]sis/drutei:f:frater/eius/minimus:locau / it:et:statuitmid-2nd-late 1st century BCunknown
PV·5unknownuecon:irumeli ps:sc:II1st c. BC (?)unknown
PV·6.1unknownecomaelonisum45–75 ADRoman imperial period
TI·4unknownpolibi spurissecond half of 1st c. ADAugustan
VB·13prob. mark of possessorp:pusionissecond half of 1st c. ADRoman imperial period
VB·21funeraryleucuro/moconis/flate 1st c. BC–early 1st c. ADAugustan
VB·24funeraryexobna/diuconis/flate 1st c. BC–early 1st c. ADAugustan
VB·25funeraryluto/artonis:flate 1st c. BC–early 1st c. ADAugustan
VB·29funeraryueca/atbiti/flate 1st c. BC–early 1st c. ADAugustan
VB·30funerarysurica/ciponis/flate 1st c. BC–early 1st c. ADAugustan
VC·1.1dedicatoryfinis/campo·quem/dedit·acisius/argantocomateṛ/ecus·comunem/deis·et·hominib/us·ita·uti·lapidẹṣ/IIII·statuti·suntshortly before the middle of 1st century BCLate Republican


 nametype inscriptiontext plaindateculture archaeological
MS·1prob. funeraryvẹmetụvismiddle - end of 6th century BCunknown
MS·2prob. funeraryuṿezaṛụap̣usmiddle - end of 6th century BCunknown


 nametype inscriptiontext plaindateculture archaeological
AS 3.1dedicatoryminimu?uvanikekeivalesecond half of 7th c. BCunknown
AS 3.2dedicatoryminimuluvanikekeiṿ[ ]eśsecond half of 7th c. BCunknown
Cl 3.2dedicatoryminevikumuluevnekearp̣aśkamaialast quarter of 7th c. BCunknown
Cr 3.22dedicatorymicelθestralate 6th c. BCunknown
Li 1.1funerarymisuθilarθialmuθikuślate 6th–early 5th c. BCunknown
Li 1.2unknownminemetịẹśfirst half of 5th c. BCunknown
Pa 0.3unknowneluveitieearly 3rd century BCLa Tène B 2
Pa 1.2funerarykuveipuleisnaimiiśivemiśe[ ]ḳṣ́[ ]ẹṇḳezilaθmiśalalatiamakeearly 6th c. BCunknown
SH·1unknown?χuiiie6th centuryHallstatt D
Vs 1.165funerary]avileskatacinasearly 6th c. BCunknown
Vs 1.87funerary]vercenas6th c. BCunknown


no result


no result


 nametype inscriptiontext plaindateculture archaeological
AO·1.2unknown]ạẹ?[late 2nd–early 1st c. BCLa Tène D 1
AO·2unknown]?ele[late 2nd–early 1st c. BCLa Tène D 1
AO·4unknownḳṛ1st c. BCLa Tène D
BE·1unknownunknown2nd c. BCLa Tène C 2
BG·10unknownVIIsecond half of 2nd–1st c. BCLa Tène D
BG·14unknownunknown5th–3th c. BCunknown
BG·16unknownp̣e5th–4th c. BCunknown
BG·17unknownạịụṭ[4th c. BCunknown
BG·19unknownka[4th c. BCunknown
BG·2.1unknown]p̣euesa3rd–2nd c. BCunknown
BG·2.2unknownt3rd–2nd c. BCunknown
BG·20unknown]kicrisi5th c. BCGolasecca III A
BG·26.1unknown]u200–125 BCLa Tène C 2
BG·26.2unknown]p200–125 BCLa Tène C 2
BG·27unknownkllate 1st c. BC (?)Roman imperial period
BG·28.2unknownvaearly 2nd c. BCLa Tène C 2
BG·4unknown]p̣ẹt[1st c. BCunknown
... further results


 nametype inscriptiontext plaindateculture archaeological
CO·53unknownaevthird quarter of 5th c. BCGolasecca III A 1
CO·54unknown]ạevmid-5th–early 4th c. BCGolasecca III A 2–3
TI·1unknown????late 6th c. BCGolasecca II B
VA·32unknown???late 6th–early 5th c. BCGolasecca II B
VA·5unknown???second half of the 6th c. BCGolasecca II B