
From Lexicon Leponticum
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Description: Describes the location of the inscription on the object.
Type: String
Allows value: front, back, left-hand side, right-hand side, side, centre, top, bottom, neck, shoulder, wall, foot, handle, rim, inside, outside, unknown


The used values belong to two different levels:

1. Values of general position, which are only useable with objects with a natural or intuitively obvious orientation – generally, such objects are described as they were orientated during usage: rock walls, stelae, vessels, articles of habiliment, statuettes, etc. Some values are only useful for certain object shapes (e.g., right and left or front and back can not be applied to rotationally symmetric objects, "inside" and "outside" only concern containers and helmets).

top top or upper area
bottom bottom or lower area
centre central area
left-hand side left-hand side or area
right-hand side right-hand side or area
side lateral area
front front or face side, upper surface
back back side, lower surface
inside on vessels and helmets
outside on vessels and helmets

Note that in some cases, the inscription itself may determine its own position, e.g. front = side with the inscription on it, on objects whose specific purpose was bearing the inscription (slabs, plaques).

2. Values for parts of vessels: neck, wall, shoulder, bottom, foot; cf. the following drawing:

Used terms for the Property:position on pottery vessels


Number of pages in the Category:Inscription (510) per "position":

position occurrence  
76 14.90 % show list
27 5.29 % show list
left-hand side
10 1.96 % show list
right-hand side
8 1.56 % show list
13 2.54 % show list
21 4.11 % show list
126 24.70 % show list
6 1.17 % show list
45 8.82 % show list
84 16.47 % show list
3 0.58 % show list
42 8.23 % show list
278 54.50 % show list
65 12.74 % show list
26 5.09 % show list
3 0.58 % show list
2 0.39 % show list
Showing 460 pages using this property.
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
foot  +, inside  +
outside  +, wall  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
bottom  +, outside  +
neck  +, outside  +, shoulder  +
bottom  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
wall  +
foot  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
outside  +, wall  +
foot  +, inside  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
front  +
front  +
front  +
front  +
front  +
front  +
front  +
front  +
foot  +, outside  +
outside  +, wall  +
outside  +
bottom  +, inside  +
outside  +
outside  +
outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
outside  +
outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
front  +, left-hand side  +
outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
front  +
front  +
outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
bottom  +
unknown  +
bottom  +, inside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
foot  +, inside  +
outside  +, rim  +
foot  +, outside  +
bottom  +, inside  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
unknown  +
inside  +
unknown  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
front  +
foot  +, outside  +
bottom  +, inside  +
bottom  +, inside  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
outside  +, wall  +
bottom  +, inside  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
foot  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
foot  +, outside  +
outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
inside  +, wall  +
outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
bottom  +, inside  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
front  +
unknown  +
bottom  +, inside  +
foot  +, outside  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
bottom  +, inside  +
bottom  +, inside  +
inside  +
unknown  +
inside  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
unknown  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
bottom  +, inside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
front  +
bottom  +, inside  +
outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
outside  +, wall  +
outside  +, wall  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
front  +
front  +
top  +
inside  +, wall  +
front  +
unknown  +
bottom  +, outside  +
right-hand side  +
centre  +
right-hand side  +
right-hand side  +
right-hand side  +
centre  +
left-hand side  +
left-hand side  +
side  +
side  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
outside  +, wall  +
foot  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
unknown  +
outside  +, top  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
bottom  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
front  +
front  +, left-hand side  +
front  +
front  +
front  +
back  +, top  +
back  +, centre  +
back  +, centre  +
back  +, centre  +
back  +
back  +, centre  +
back  +, centre  +
back  +, bottom  +
back  +, top  +
back  +
unknown  +
back  +, front  +
back  +, top  +
back  +
back  +, front  +
back  +, top  +
back  +, top  +
back  +, right-hand side  +
back  +, right-hand side  +
back  +
back  +, top  +
back  +, centre  +, top  +
neck  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
outside  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
front  +, top  +
front  +
front  +
front  +
front  +
bottom  +, outside  +
unknown  +
unknown  +
inside  +
centre  +, front  +
bottom  +, front  +
front  +
bottom  +, inside  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, front  +, outside  +
outside  +, wall  +
front  +
front  +
back  +
back  +
front  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
bottom  +, outside  +
outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
outside  +, wall  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
bottom  +, inside  +
rim  +
front  +, left-hand side  +
unknown  +
bottom  +, outside  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
bottom  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
inside  +
handle  +, right-hand side  +
handle  +, left-hand side  +
outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, foot  +, outside  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
front  +
left-hand side  +
front  +, left-hand side  +
front  +
front  +
outside  +, wall  +
front  +
front  +
front  +
front  +
back  +
back  +
front  +
front  +
front  +, right-hand side  +
front  +, left-hand side  +
back  +, centre  +
front  +
front  +
front  +
outside  +, wall  +
front  +
centre  +, front  +
centre  +, front  +
front  +
front  +
centre  +, front  +
front  +, left-hand side  +
bottom  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
outside  +, rim  +
front  +
bottom  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
back  +, front  +
handle  +
foot  +, outside  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, inside  +
foot  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
inside  +
foot  +, outside  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
bottom  +, inside  +
neck  +, outside  +
neck  +, outside  +
neck  +, outside  +
neck  +, outside  +
front  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
bottom  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
bottom  +, inside  +
foot  +, outside  +
unknown  +
foot  +, inside  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
foot  +, outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
foot  +, outside  +
top  +
front  +
front  +
front  +, top  +
front  +, top  +
front  +, top  +
front  +, top  +
front  +, top  +
front  +, top  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
front  +, top  +
outside  +, wall  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
bottom  +, outside  +
front  +, top  +
bottom  +, front  +
outside  +
outside  +
outside  +
outside  +
outside  +
outside  +
outside  +
outside  +
outside  +
foot  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
bottom  +, inside  +
outside  +, shoulder  +
bottom  +, outside  +
shoulder  +
shoulder  +
outside  +
outside  +
bottom  +, inside  +
bottom  +, inside  +
bottom  +
bottom  +
shoulder  +
inside  +
inside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
outside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
outside  +
inside  +
bottom  +, outside  +
front  +
front  +
outside  +, wall  +
unknown  +
unknown  +

Showing 4 related entities.

The request is being processed and may take a moment. Preparing ...
{ "type": "PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", "constraints": { "type_constraint": "_txt", "allowed_values": [ "front", "back", "left-hand side", "right-hand side", "centre", "top", "bottom", "neck", "shoulder", "foot", "handle", "inside", "outside", "unknown", "wall", "rim", "side" ] } }